Frequently asked questions
Empty the error list by going to Admin Client setupclient Reactivate documents. Invoices in this list have crashed and will block the transfer of new invoices. Select each invoice and click Reactivate. The invoice will become active again and you can find in in the worklist with status Partly Posted.
If you usually log in with your email address and AD password then you need to contact your own IT Department for this. However, if you have a normal login you can change your own password in the login window. Once you have entered your user name and present password, click Change Password. If you can't remember your present password, get in touch with
You cannot edit or remove invoices from the Accounting History, but new qualifying invoices will always be added and the display order is decided by how often they are picked for use. Thus the most popular historical invoice will be shown first.
It may be that your worklist is filtered to show other clients. Click on the field to the right of the AU status filter at the top of the Worklist: you can see if all clients hve been selected, or just certain ones. Check the clients whose invoices you want to include on the list. Then select either Default if you want to always use that selecttion, or Add filter if you want that selection just for this session.
At the moment running report to Excel will give you a report with xml-file type.
You can do 1 of 4 things:
1. Open Excel, press Open file and go to Downloads folder. Find relevant xml-file and press Open.
2. Change app settings for xml-files to always open in Excel
3. Report will be found in Downloadsfolder - change file type from .xml to .xlsx
4. In Downloads, right click on file and choose "open with" - Excel
You can do 1 of 4 things:
1. Open Excel, press Open file and go to Downloads folder. Find relevant xml-file and press Open.
2. Change app settings for xml-files to always open in Excel
3. Report will be found in Downloadsfolder - change file type from .xml to .xlsx
4. In Downloads, right click on file and choose "open with" - Excel
1) Click the Download icon in the upper right-hand corner of the invoice image.
2) Choose whether you want one or all pages, and what, if any of the coding values you want to include.
3) Click Download. The invoice will be saved as a PDF file in your Downloads folder.
4) If nothing is downloaded, check at the top on the right of your browser - often you will see a little red dot. If you hold the pointer over that dot you may get a message about a pop-up blocker and the chance to permit pop-ups. Allow pop-ups in order to download images from Compello, especially when the images consists of several pages.
2) Choose whether you want one or all pages, and what, if any of the coding values you want to include.
3) Click Download. The invoice will be saved as a PDF file in your Downloads folder.
4) If nothing is downloaded, check at the top on the right of your browser - often you will see a little red dot. If you hold the pointer over that dot you may get a message about a pop-up blocker and the chance to permit pop-ups. Allow pop-ups in order to download images from Compello, especially when the images consists of several pages.
You can drag in a PDF and thereby add it to the existing invoice in Compello Process. Just click on the pdf fil, drag it over to the invoice image in Compello Process and drop it there. It will be added as extra pages to that invoice.
If you can, try to send the invoice back to Compello from the ERP system you use or from its integration. If that isn't possible, in Compello Process, click the Admin option and select Client setup clientReactivate transaction. Enter the archive number of the invoice you want to reactivate and click the search symbol. Mark the invoice that appears and then click Reactivate. You will then find the invoice, active in the worklists with status Partly Posted. You can now check the coding values, change things and in the end change the status to Fully POsted again to retry transfer to your ERP system.
This means that the transfers of the invoice to you ERP system didn't work for some reason. Usually this will be because the invoice contains data that the ERP system doesn't like, or lacks something that is required. Check first in the ERP Ref field in the invoice header. Depending on the integration, this will often contain an error message. Look at how the invoice is posted, especially dates, whether all necessary fields have been filled in etc. Make any changes that seem necessary. Change the status to Fully Posted and try once more. If the invoice is sent back again, or the error message doesn't help, send a message to Tell us as much as you can about which invoice(s) it is (client and archive number) and what you have tried.
If the invoice doesn't appear in your ERP system check:
1) Has the invoice really been exported from Compello? If you can find it in the worklist, and can change things, then it has not been exported. Check that all rows are approved by all approvers and whether anything is missing.
2) Can you see the invoice in Compello with status "Partly Posted". In that case the invoice has been returned from you financial system. Check the FAQ for that.
3) The invoice has been exported out of Compello but has not come up in the ERP. Send a messae to us at and tell us as much as you can about which invoice it is and what has happened.
1) Has the invoice really been exported from Compello? If you can find it in the worklist, and can change things, then it has not been exported. Check that all rows are approved by all approvers and whether anything is missing.
2) Can you see the invoice in Compello with status "Partly Posted". In that case the invoice has been returned from you financial system. Check the FAQ for that.
3) The invoice has been exported out of Compello but has not come up in the ERP. Send a messae to us at and tell us as much as you can about which invoice it is and what has happened.
These are the things you should check first:
1) That the supplier is in the supplier list in Compello.
2) Both of the two key fields (usually bank account and VAT number) are correctly registered.
3) Neither of the two key fields are duplicated elsewhere in the supplier list for the client.
3) The key fields in he supplier list match what is actually on the invoice.
4) The key field data on the invoice is legible (for "OCR" invoices)
If all of thises are correct, send a message to and give us the supplier, client and archive number of the invoice.
1) That the supplier is in the supplier list in Compello.
2) Both of the two key fields (usually bank account and VAT number) are correctly registered.
3) Neither of the two key fields are duplicated elsewhere in the supplier list for the client.
3) The key fields in he supplier list match what is actually on the invoice.
4) The key field data on the invoice is legible (for "OCR" invoices)
If all of thises are correct, send a message to and give us the supplier, client and archive number of the invoice.
If the invoice has come out to the Worklist, you will need to send it bak to Document Import.
1) Double click the invoice in the list to open it.
2) Hold the cursor over the icon near the upper left-hand cornder, that is a downwards arrow with a little tick on it, until you see the other choices
3) Choose "Back to Import".
5) Open Document Import where you will find the invoice. Its filename will be "Rescan + archive number".
6) Double click on that line to open it - you will see the other pages from it below.
7) select the page you wan to remove and then click the trash can just above the images (important*) to remove it, or the split icon if you want to make that page into its own invoice.
(* Don't use the trash can ikon to the right of the screen as that will take the whole invoice out of the workflow).
8) Send the invoice back to the Worklist.
1) Double click the invoice in the list to open it.
2) Hold the cursor over the icon near the upper left-hand cornder, that is a downwards arrow with a little tick on it, until you see the other choices
3) Choose "Back to Import".
5) Open Document Import where you will find the invoice. Its filename will be "Rescan + archive number".
6) Double click on that line to open it - you will see the other pages from it below.
7) select the page you wan to remove and then click the trash can just above the images (important*) to remove it, or the split icon if you want to make that page into its own invoice.
(* Don't use the trash can ikon to the right of the screen as that will take the whole invoice out of the workflow).
8) Send the invoice back to the Worklist.
Tell us - -Tell us which invoicve it is (client -id and archive number). We will investigate this and also change the status in Compelo so it displays correctly as exported and "Fully Posted".
1) Check that your rule applies to the invoice . e.g is is for the supplier line or the other lines?
2) Make sure that "In order" is selected as default for that client in Admin?Client setupclientWorkflow.
2) Make sure that "In order" is selected as default for that client in Admin?Client setupclientWorkflow.
Yes, but you have to have the right setup
1) In AdminSettingsGeneral, make sure that there is a tick for Duplicate control.
2) In AdminClient setupclientDocument type, make sure that all Doc.types have a Document Group - e.g. that Doc.type "IF" is classified as "Invoice".
If an invoice comes in that has the samme supplier and invoice number as an existing invoice in COmpello Process, the document type on the newer version will change to DUBLETT. Invoices with Doc.Type DUBLETT kannot be exported.
1) In AdminSettingsGeneral, make sure that there is a tick for Duplicate control.
2) In AdminClient setupclientDocument type, make sure that all Doc.types have a Document Group - e.g. that Doc.type "IF" is classified as "Invoice".
If an invoice comes in that has the samme supplier and invoice number as an existing invoice in COmpello Process, the document type on the newer version will change to DUBLETT. Invoices with Doc.Type DUBLETT kannot be exported.
You can do this by creating rules. You will find more information about creating rules in our Support vides. Clicko n the the "?" on the left-hand side of the Worklist in Process, and choose Support videos. There is lots of help there, including about rules.
The fields you see and what you can do with them are controlled from AdminTransaction Setup. You can make personal alterations to what you see if they are not in conflict with the central setup. You can hide or reveal a field so long as it is not mandatory to either see it/not see it or fill it in in AdminTransaction Setup. To make changes, click on the icon for Columm Setup (a spreadsheet with a cogwheel in the corner) either for header fields - at the top right-hand corner of the Worklist, or for invoice rows (just above the rows of in open invoice). You can save your changes either permenantly or just for the one session.
Some fields, e.g. Invoice No or Userdef6 are text fields and you can write in whatever you want so long as you have access. Other fields, especially at row level, are table fields where you can search or and enter data which is in a table - e.g. Supplier or Project. Enter part of the code or the description to get a list of suggestions. So if you want account 6360 - Cleaning in Debit, you can write in "63" in the field to see all accounts conaining "63". If you know the whole code you can type it all in. When you have the right value, press ENTER or TAB to select it and go on to the next field.
If you find that values are coming into fields automatically while you are entering data, there are probably rules that are being activated by what you are entering. You can see these rules by clicking the Rules icon (like a filled out sheet of paper on the left side of the Worklist). Rules open in their own tab. Choose the right client and see if you can find a rule that explains what is happening. You can edit or delete the rule and also choose whether it is permitted to overwrite the value that comes in the "Then" part of the rule or not.
If he only thing these invoices have in common is that they are for instance Accounts payable thaen it is possible that someone has created a rule to send all invoices to one user based only on the document type. You can't over rule these or create exceptions so you need to find out if you really want a rule that works like that.
You can see these rules by clicking the Rules icon (like a filled out sheet of paper on the left side of the Worklist). Rules open in their own tab. Choose the right client and see if you can find a rule that explains what is happening. You can edit the rule so it works only when you want it, or delete it.
You can see these rules by clicking the Rules icon (like a filled out sheet of paper on the left side of the Worklist). Rules open in their own tab. Choose the right client and see if you can find a rule that explains what is happening. You can edit the rule so it works only when you want it, or delete it.
Yes you can, so long as the System setting Only bbookkeepers to create new rows is not selected. You can create a new row by clicking the "+" above the rows or use fast key Alt+Ctrl+N. If your only access is to Approval then any new row will automatically be sent to you as well, though you can also add other users as well. If you are a Bookkeeper as well as an Approver, then new rows will not be sent to you unless you do so and you will have to choose at least one approver for that row, whether it is you or others.
If there are some exported invoices from the same supplier and with the same document type as the one you are working on, you can use the Accounting History function (NB - Contact to get this activated). Click on the folder icon abov the invoices lines. If you have enough older invoices for that supplier, you will see them here. Choose the one that best matches what you want to do with the new invoice and then choose if you want to import the rows with or without approvers. The row amounts on you new invoice will reflect the proportions of the invoices whose lines you use.
If the invoices you are trying to transfer are set til Partly Posted in Compello, but the message in BizTrans says there is nothing ready, it looks as if one or more invoices may have crashed either now or earlier. They are between systems and causing a blockage. Check first in AdminClient setupclinetReactivate transactions. Invoices that crash will usually be found there. Select one at a time and click "Reactivate". You will find them in the Worklist with status Partly posted. If you can't find any invoices there, drop us a line at and let us know as much as you can about the problem.
Ja, det kan du.
Forutsetninger er at:
1) Du kopierer fra og til samme dimensjon - dvs fra Dim 3 til Dim 3
2) Tabellene må ha samme navn i oppsett.
Her er det du gjør:
I Admin/Klientoppsett, finn klienten du vil kopiere fra og klikk på de små arkene.
Velg Kopier oppslagstabeller.
Marker tabellen du vil kopiere
Velg klienten du skal kopiere til
Klikk Kopier.
Forutsetninger er at:
1) Du kopierer fra og til samme dimensjon - dvs fra Dim 3 til Dim 3
2) Tabellene må ha samme navn i oppsett.
Her er det du gjør:
I Admin/Klientoppsett, finn klienten du vil kopiere fra og klikk på de små arkene.
Velg Kopier oppslagstabeller.
Marker tabellen du vil kopiere
Velg klienten du skal kopiere til
Klikk Kopier.
If you have defined dimensions with names (e.g. Department, Project etc) there are a couple of things you have to do in order to see then in Advanced Search.
Check you have given the dimensjons a name in the correct language column in AdminClient setupclientPosting line names.
Make the field visible in all relevant setups in AdminTransaction Setup. If the field isn't visible there, you cannot use it as a search criteria in Archive either.
Once you have made the changes, log out and in again, go to Advanced Search, choose your client and you will then see the correct dimension with its name, in the list of things you can search for.
Check you have given the dimensjons a name in the correct language column in AdminClient setupclientPosting line names.
Make the field visible in all relevant setups in AdminTransaction Setup. If the field isn't visible there, you cannot use it as a search criteria in Archive either.
Once you have made the changes, log out and in again, go to Advanced Search, choose your client and you will then see the correct dimension with its name, in the list of things you can search for.
Changes made in Setup in Process are logged. You can see shat was done and who did it in AdminChange log if you have Global access to Process.
Yes you can. The lists must have the same name for both clients and be in the same dimension (e.g, Project must be in Dimensjon 2 for both clients).
Click Admin and choose the client you will copy to (e.g. Acme).
To the right of the client name, you will see an icon like to cheets of paper. Click on that.
Choose the client youwant to copy from (e.g client Beta)
Check the box for Copy reference lists.
Choose which table(s) you want to copy (e.g Project)
Click Copy. Now the Project tabel for Beta has been copied to Acme.
NB. Make sure that what you copy is right in your ERP system
Click Admin and choose the client you will copy to (e.g. Acme).
To the right of the client name, you will see an icon like to cheets of paper. Click on that.
Choose the client youwant to copy from (e.g client Beta)
Check the box for Copy reference lists.
Choose which table(s) you want to copy (e.g Project)
Click Copy. Now the Project tabel for Beta has been copied to Acme.
NB. Make sure that what you copy is right in your ERP system
Yes, you can. Click in the invoice header (i.e, not row 1 but the row at the top where you see the Doc.type and Invoice No) - and you will see an overfview of all approvers on all rows. If you then click the trach can beside the name of the person you want to remove, they will be removed from all the rows they had on that invoice.
Here are a few things you can check - if they don't enable you to solve the problem alone, the information you gain will help us to help you.
1) Check that the PO has come over to Compello by searching for Order ref in Advanced Search. You should see a minimum of one PO (not invoice). If not then the PO has not come over from your purchase system and that is the problem that has to be addressed
2) If you find the PO in Compello, check that the supplier is the same as the supplier on the invoice.
3) If you find the PO in Compello, make sure it is updated with the receipt of goods you need. Check also that there is a unit price and volume for that row.
4) Check that the Order ref field on the invoice is correctly filled out with the PO number from the PO.
If these things don't solve the problen, send an email to and tell us as much as you can about the problem so we can investigate.
1) Check that the PO has come over to Compello by searching for Order ref in Advanced Search. You should see a minimum of one PO (not invoice). If not then the PO has not come over from your purchase system and that is the problem that has to be addressed
2) If you find the PO in Compello, check that the supplier is the same as the supplier on the invoice.
3) If you find the PO in Compello, make sure it is updated with the receipt of goods you need. Check also that there is a unit price and volume for that row.
4) Check that the Order ref field on the invoice is correctly filled out with the PO number from the PO.
If these things don't solve the problen, send an email to and tell us as much as you can about the problem so we can investigate.
You can set up a Deputy for the time you are away - click the cogwheel ikon and choose Set deputy. If you are an administrator you can set up deputies for other users in AdminUsers.
The way it works is that invoices are sent to you as usual. If you log on first, you can approve your invoices. But if the deputy logs on before you, any invoices sent to you will be approved ofr you and sent on to the deputie. The Deputy setup will not include any invoices that are already in your inbox.
The way it works is that invoices are sent to you as usual. If you log on first, you can approve your invoices. But if the deputy logs on before you, any invoices sent to you will be approved ofr you and sent on to the deputie. The Deputy setup will not include any invoices that are already in your inbox.
If you are an appover then you have an option in Process - Previously approved, where you can see all the invoices you have approved earlier. However, if you have approved a lot of invoices, it may be easier to click on the magnifying glass icon to open Advanced Search. Her you can narow down your search with dates, amounts, suppliers, Prosjekts or whatever.
Du må ha tilgang til Regnskapsføringsmodulen. Åpne bilag i Bilagseditor og klikk deretter på raden hvor rekkefølgen skal endres. Det virker ikke hvis du står i et hodefelt. Når du klikker på raden ser du noe som ligner et bitte lite tastatur på venstre siden av hver godkjenners navn. Hold musepeker over ikonet, klikk og dra godkjenner i rett posisjon. Slipp museknapp når du er ferdig.
OCR bilag som kommer via Dok.import skal gjennom en tolk for å finne data til hodefelt og leverandørlinje.
Noen ganger tar det ekstra tid å få dataene gjennom tolken. Hvis du begynner å editere data før tolken er ferdig blir de overskrevet på et senere tidspunkt.
Når tolken jobber har bilaget i arbeidslista et lite ikon på seg = en trakt. I tillegg vil du se samme trakt oppe til venstre ved ikoner for regnskapsstatus mm når du åpner bilaget i bilagseditor.
Vent med å gjøre endringer til ikonet har forsvunnet. Bruk Oppdater knapp for oppdatering av siden/bilaget.
Når du har opprettet en ny bruker må du knytte denne brukeren til 1 eller flere klienter
Du har et eget menypunkt "Klienter koblet til bruker". Klikk på dette og velg hvilke klienter brukeren skal ha tilgang til.
Når du har haket av for en eller flere klienter, trykk "Legg til klienter"-knapp og deretter haker du av for hvilke rettigheter bruker skal ha på klientene.
Skal bruker ha forskjellige rettigheter på forskjellige klienter må du enten ta hver klient for seg, eller du må redigere klientrettighetene etterpå.
Se vår video Admin - Brukeroppsett for mer informasjon.
Per i dag lagres disse filene som xml-filer. For å åpne filen i Excel kan du gjøre 1 av 4 ting:
1. Åpne Excel - trykk Åpne fil, gå til utforsker, finn filen i mappe Nedlastinger og klikk åpne.
2. Endre App innstillingene på din PC slik at XML-filer åpnes av Excel
3. Filen lagres i mappen Nedlastinger - finn filen der og endre filtype fra .xml til .xlsx
4. Filen lagres i mappen Nedlastinger - finn filen der, høyreklikk og velg "Åpne med" Excel
Det kan være flere grunner til det:
- Bruker har skrevet inn BrukerID eller passord feil
- Bruker har ikke lagt inn KundeID
- Ved oppretting av bruker er ikke brukeren knyttet til noen klienter med tilhørende rettigheter
Hvis du bruker epost til pålogging er det andre ting som kan være feil.
Send en mail til og be om hjelp.
Et eller flere felt kan settes til "Obligatorisk" i oppsettet. Det betyr at feltet må fylles ut før det enten kan godkjennes eller settes til regnskapsført.
Når et felt er obligatorisk er det obigatorisk å fylle ut på alle linjer. Hvis du mener du har lagt inn verdien i feltet, sjekk noen av de andre linjene og se om det mangler der. Ofte mangler verdi på 1. posteringslinje.
Sjekk om alle linjer på bilaget er fordelt - kanskje har du lagt til flere linjer etter at bilaget var på flyt og disse er glemt fordelt.
Tips! - Bruk funksjonen Godkjenn automatisk (F7) hvis du oppretter flere posteringslinjer etter at bilaget har vært hos godkjenner
Hvis en godkjenner har avvist et bilag markeres dette med et rødt kryss. Denne godkjenner må fjernes fra distribusjonslista for at bilaget skal endre status.
Hvis bilaget har et fordelingsikon (flerpilet ikon) som er rødt, betyr det at godkjennere som var på bilaget er fjernet og bilaget er igjen ikke fordelt. Legg på en eller flere godkjennere på linje med rødt ikon.
Hvis du skal endre rekkefølgen på godkjennere må du stå på hver posteringslinje.
Står du i hodet på bilaget vil du ikke kunne endre noe i Distribusjonsvinduet.
Hvis du ikke får gjort endringer på bilaget ditt kan det være at det er sendt tilbake til Dok.import
Da kan det se ut som det ligger på Felles liste/arbeidslista, men i virkeligheten gjør det ikke det.
Se på SK.status ikonet inne på bilaget - hvis dette har et ikon med en pil som gjør u-sving finner du bilaget i modulen Dok.import
Finner du ikke ut av det - ta kontakt med
Hvis rad 1 ikke er godkjent av system (det kan være forskjellige grunner for dette) kan du ordne det ved å opprette en ny rad på bilaget og fjerne den etterpå. Så snart du legger til en rad, blir rad 1 godkjent av System igjen. Deretter kan du ta vekk den nye raden.
Ja, det kan du.
I regelbildet (klikk på ikon som ligner et ark i venstre menybar) velg riktig klient og fanen Regler.
Klikk på + for ny regel og gi den et navn.
Du kan begrense regelen til visse statuser og dokumenttyper, men du må ikke.
På venstre siden finn feltet Prosjekt og klikk pilen som flytter feltet Prosjekt ut til "HVIS" delen.
Nå må du knytte rett verdi til feltet, søk etter rett prosjekt.
Bestem om reglen din gjelder når prosjekt er i rad 1 eller i andre rader på bilaget (hvis det kan være begge to må du lage flere enn en regel for det).
Under SÅ-delen kan du legge inn andre verdier som kommer inn når dette prosjektet er valgt, men du må ikke.
På høyresiden, velg godkjenneren som skal få bilag med dette prosjekt på. Vanligvis vil rad-defineringen være det samme som for Prosjekt - dvs hvis prosjekt har "andre linjer" vil godkjenner også ha "andre linjer".
Du kan legge inn flere godkjenner om du vil.
Lagre regelen.
Du kan se mer info om regler i Support Video - klikk på "?" og velg Support Video. Skroll nedover til du finne denne om regler.
Ja, det er mulig. Ved å trykke på "last ned/utskrift" ikonet opp i høyre hjørne i bilagseditor så vil det dukke opp et vindu hvor man kan hake av for "E-post". Når dette feltet er huket av så vil man kunne legge inn mottaker(e) i feltet epostadresse og en eventuell tekst i feltet beskrivelse. Merk - har du ikke mulighet til å sette hake for "E-post" så er årsaken for dette at din bruker ikke har noen epostadresse registrert i brukeroppsettet i Process. Forutsetningen for å kunne benytte epostfunksjonen er at det ligger inne en epostadresse på egen bruker i brukeroppsettet.
Ja, det kan du.
Forutsetninger er at:
1) Du kopierer fra og til samme dimensjon - dvs fra Dim 3 til Dim 3
2) Tabellene må ha samme navn i oppsett.
Her er det du gjør:
I Admin/Klientoppsett, finn klienten du vil kopiere fra og klikk på de små arkene.
Velg Kopier oppslagstabeller.
Marker tabellen du vil kopiere
Velg klienten du skal kopiere til
Klikk Kopier.
If you have defined dimensions with names (e.g. Department, Project etc) there are a couple of things you have to do in order to see then in Advanced Search.
Check you have given the dimensjons a name in the correct language column in AdminClient setupclientPosting line names.
Make the field visible in all relevant setups in AdminTransaction Setup. If the field isn't visible there, you cannot use it as a search criteria in Archive either.
Once you have made the changes, log out and in again, go to Advanced Search, choose your client and you will then see the correct dimension with its name, in the list of things you can search for.
Changes made in Setup in Process are logged. You can see shat was done and who did it in AdminChange log if you have Global access to Process.
Yes you can. The lists must have the same name for both clients and be in the same dimension (e.g, Project must be in Dimensjon 2 for both clients).
Click Admin and choose the client you will copy to (e.g. Acme).
To the right of the client name, you will see an icon like to cheets of paper. Click on that.
Choose the client youwant to copy from (e.g client Beta)
Check the box for Copy reference lists.
Choose which table(s) you want to copy (e.g Project)
Click Copy. Now the Project tabel for Beta has been copied to Acme.
NB. Make sure that what you copy is right in your ERP system
Yes, you can. Click in the invoice header (i.e, not row 1 but the row at the top where you see the Doc.type and Invoice No) - and you will see an overfview of all approvers on all rows. If you then click the trach can beside the name of the person you want to remove, they will be removed from all the rows they had on that invoice.
The criterion for the distribution rule to be triggered is that there is a checkmark for "in order" on the document itself.
If there is no tick in "in order", the distribution rule will not be triggered
Check if there is a yellow text line at the top of the archive search. It may be that a filter has been set so that archive searches return results only one year back in time. If so, press the yellow text that says "click here".
Then you can decide how far back in time you want to do an archive search.
Contact Compello Support - we are always available for assistance.
You contact us by sending an email to
Write what the problem is regarding and give us as much information as you can.
Here are a few things you can check - if they don't enable you to solve the problem alone, the information you gain will help us to help you.
1) Check that the PO has come over to Compello by searching for Order ref in Advanced Search. You should see a minimum of one PO (not invoice). If not then the PO has not come over from your purchase system and that is the problem that has to be addressed
2) If you find the PO in Compello, check that the supplier is the same as the supplier on the invoice.
3) If you find the PO in Compello, make sure it is updated with the receipt of goods you need. Check also that there is a unit price and volume for that row.
4) Check that the Order ref field onthe invoice is correctly filled out with the PO number from the PO.
If these things don't solve the problen, send an email to and tell us as much as you can about the problem so we can investigate.
You can set up a Deputy for the time you are away - click the cogwheel ikon and choose Set deputy. If you are an administrator you can set up deputies for other users in AdminUsers.
The way it works is that invoices are sent to you as usual. If you log on first, you can approve your invoices. But if the deputy logs on before you, any invoices sent to you will be approved ofr you and sent on to the deputie. The Deputy setup will not include any invoices that are already in your inbox.
You must have the Global Setup right to be able to do this. This means that you have access to the Admin module and User setup.
Search in our Knowledgebase for how, or watch a tutorial video found on our web site
If you need assistance, please send a mail to
If most of the invoices for a client have the same document type an archive number series, you can choose the as default in Admin. They will then be suggested in Doc.Import when you import invoices for that client (you can change them if necessary).
Go into AdminClient setup.
Choose the right client.
Choose Document type.
Choose the one that is to be the default one and then click Set as default.
Do the same for the Archive number series.
If you are an appover then youhave an option in Process - Previously approved, where you can see all the invoices you have approved earlier. However, if you have approved a lot of invoices, it may be easier to click on the magnifying glass icon to open Advanced Search. Her you can narow down your search with dates, amounts, suppliers, Prosjekts or whatever.
Transaction setup is controlled for everyone from Admin/Transaction setup but it is also possible for users to make some changes to their own setup using the Column Setup. If you still can't see the changes you have made click Reset in the Column Setup. After that, update the work list and then open the invoice again to se if it now shows your changes.
See if the invoice has got doc.type DUBLETT (duplicate) because then you cannot change the invoice to "Fully Posted". If the invoice has got DUBLETT as a Doc.type, search in Advanced search using the invoice number to see if that invoice has come into to Compello before. The duplicate check is based on Supplier and invoice number. If you need to change the invoice with "DUBLETT" you will need to fix things so there is only one invoice with that supplier and that invoice number.
When you try to match a purchase invoice in the PO Match box, you see fields that can be defined in Admin. Go into AdminTransaction setup and choose Default setup for PO. Then choose Line. You can now choose "Visible" for all the fields you need to see in the PO Match box. You can also change the order of the fields by dragging the fields in the Preview to where you want them. Then click Save.
If you are already logged into Compello Process and are working with invoices in Bookkeeping, you can now open Admin in a new tab. Simply right-click on the Compello Process tab in your browser, and choose Duplicate Tab. A new session of Compello will open and from there you can open Admin or Doc.Import.
If you have imported one or more invoices to Doc. Import but nothing happens when to try to create the and send them to the Worklist, check and see if you have chosen an archive number serie and a document type for them. If these fields are empty, doubleclick the invoice so it opens and then you can choose the right values for each field. After that you should be able to create the invoice.
You don't get a confirmation for every invoice that is sendt but the sender will get an email if there is some sort of error or reason why that invoice cannot be processed.
In the Column selector for the Worklist (upper right-hand corner) you can now choose that Current Approver will display in its own column. It shows the user who now has the invoice for approval or who has rejected an invoice (in both cases the invoice will not go further until this is addressed). You can sort the list by clicking on the column header.
I ProcessAdminClient setupclientReference liststable you can now select several posts at once, for example to deactivate or reactivate them. Tick the box by each post you wish to change and then choose what you want to do (Deactivate, Reactivate, No change) from the menu on the right. Then click Save.
There is a simple calculator in the fields for Amount, Currency Amount and Unit Price. You can activate the calculator by first entering a = and then what you want to Calculate. You can use + (Addition), - (Subtraction), / (Division), * (Multiplication) and () (brackets). If you click the little "i" icon you can see more information on using these.
If an invoice is sent tothe OCR reader, Smartscan, then Smartscan will read any VAT amount it finds. To stop it being entered on your invoice, go in AdminClient SetupclientImport and check the box for Read VAT amount only for purchase invoices.
Go into Admin, choose User setup and find the regular user (the one who has a deputy).
Click Deputies.
Mark the right setup.
Click Edit.
Change the end date for the setup.
When you er in the Worklist, you will see an icon for the Column Selector in the uppr right-hand corner. Open that and make the column Current approver visible. It will then display inthe the Worklist. You can see exactly where the invoices are at any time and you can sort on this column to find the name you want.
Yes, this is what you do::
1) In the Compello invoice, change the amount on row one to the amount that will be posted to the first GL account.
2) Open the window for Cost Distribution and follow the normal stages for the Cost Distribution tool, entering your first GL account as the expense account.
3) Click Execute. You will come back to the invoice.
4) Change the amount in row one to the amount for the next GL account you want to use.
5) Repeat steps 2 and 3.
6) When you have posted the whole amount of the invoice to a GL account, change the amount in row one back to the total amount.
1) Check the dokument type on the invoice
2) Check the document type in your ERP system (here, Visma Business on Premise).
3) If the document type on the invoice is not the same as what is set up in your ERP system, you will need to change it in Compello. If the correct doc.type is not available in Compello. you will need to create that.
4) If the document type on the invoices is the same as what is used in your ERÅ system, then send the problem to - it may be that the interation between the two is not set up correctly.
The integration between Compello Process and Visma Business is run by an Agent run as a service where Visma is installed. The integration contacts the Agent to open up to Visma for the invoices you are transferring. If the Agent doesn't answer within a given amount of time, the invoices will be reactivated in Process with this message. Try and send the invoice again and if it still goes wrong, contact Support on
Something went wrong in the transfer process to Visma. Try and send this invoice to Visma again. If you then get a message that the invoice is already in Visma, contact us at for help.
The invoice has an invoice date from a period/VAT period that is closed in Visma. To transfer the invoice (and so you don't need to change the actual invoice date), you need to enter the date of an open period in the Posting Date field for each row of the invoice. If you have more than one invoice like this, you can use the Multi-Edit function to add a posting date to all rows of all the invoices you have selected.
This message is from Visma and indicates that you have used a table value (e.g. a project) which is not allowed with the general ledger account you have for that row. You need to change the account or remove the table value.
MS Edge has created a new function which affects image display in Compello Process. You can zoom in and out but not move the image around within the fra. If you look carefully you can see a new icon in the corner of the image - and that is the new Edge function. There are three choices for this icon. Choose "Hide for this website" or "Hide always".
This is a SAP message. If you google it you will find this explataion in the SAP Community. For example here:
Some financial systems support Compello's Accrual/Cost Distribtuion tool. Those that do not include Visma Global, AX, AX D 365, and Financial Operations. These systems have their own method which can be set up for invoices sent from Compello Process. There may also be other systems that do not support the Compello Process Accrual/Cost Distribtuion tool.
If you use Compello Mail Import, check in AdminClient setupclientClint infoImport. Make sure that you have a setup here and that the information is correct. If that pasword for the mail account has been changed you will need to update this here. Make sure the folder for processed mails and those that need to be handled manually are correctly set up. If you can't find a setup here, or you can't fix the problem, get in touch on
Open AdminUser setup.
Click + at the top on the left. A new tab will open in your browser so you can invite users.
Enter the email address for the user(s) you want to create and tick Process.
NB the Enable for users without SSO - for SSO users the customer's Active Directory will make this decision.
Click Send Invitation.
Close the tab you are in and return to Process. Your invited user(s) will be visible as "Invited, not active".
Mark the user and assign the correct access rights for each client.
The user will get an email from Compello. When they click on Accept invitation they will be transferred to the login page.
The language in the Mobile app is changed in the browser-version of Process.
Log in to Process via browser, change language under the bottom left ikon (small figure) to preferred language.
Log in to Mobile app again and see the changes
You can use the fast keys Arrow Up and Arrow Down to move between rows on an invoice. However, if the cursor is in a field in edit mode (i.e. ready to enter data) then the fast keys will not wirk until you press ENTER. ENTER will get ou out of edit mode and then youcan press Arrow Up or Arrow Down to change rows.
If the field you want to search with doesn't appear on the list of search criteria check that:
1) Youhave choses a client to serachin (some fields won't display in the lise unless you do).
2) That the field you want is marked as Visible in the default setup for that Role (Admin/Transaction Setup).
3) That the field is selected in the Filter box in the Work list (this applies to Header fields such as Supplier).
The invoice type field indicates the type of document and which import the voucher has come in via.
Here we have 3 main types:
SmartScan - document entered via the Document import module - the document is interpreted by the SmartScan interpreter
Invoice Reception - vouchers submitted via Compello Receipt. PDF is sent, received, interpreted and converted to EHF
EHF - pure electronic file - xml - comes directly from sender via access point to recipient
Files from FakturaMottak or EHF are not interpreted, but the data in the file is read by a converter.
Search for Invoice receipt or EHF for more info
Invoice receiption is an email address suppliers can send PDF invoices to
Here, the invoice is interpreted both mechanically and manually and the data is converted to an XML file.
The files will not contain everything a pure EHF contains.
The interpreter reads data from the PDF_invoice according to a standard to which the recipient belongs.
What is interpreted in a Norwegian invoice does not have to be the same as in a foreign invoice or goods invoice
When the invoice is convertet to XML, the file is returned to Compello Accesspoint and delivered to receiving customer.
See also EHF and Converter/Stylesheet
An EHF is an electronic document according to a specific standard (Peppol).
The file sent between sender and receiver is an xml file
The content of the xml file is 100% determined by the sender.
An EHF can contain a PDF attachment, but this is not mandatory to send.
It is the xml file itself that is the legal accounting technical document.
The content of the file is read via a Converter and the Image of the invoice is built up by a Stylesheet.
Both the converter and stylesheet can be adapted based on the customer's needs.
If PDF attachment in xml file, this will be sub-pages that comes after the style sheet.
A converter is a coded file that retrieves data from an xml file. (EHF)
In the converter it is determined which fields in the xml file data is to be retrieved from, and these are then read into given fields in Process.
A converter is built on a standard, but can also be adapted to a customer's needs.
A stylesheet presents the data in an EHF/xml file in a structured way. This will be the invoice image in an EHF.
In the same way as a converter, this is based on a standard, but can be adapted
every customer's need for more information.
The information must be available in the xml file – the stylesheet can not be adjusted to data that is not present.
If you are an approver you can edit data on the rows sent to you or rows that you create yourself (if you are allowed). You cannot change information on other rows of the invoice which have not been sent to you. For that you would need access as a Bookkeeper.
If you know that a certain Cost Centre, Project, Account etc exists but you can't select it or enter it onto an invoice, it could be that there is a so-called config limit on your user. This is something that can be done in Admin/User setup/your user and will then control your access to values in a certain table. So if there is a config that says you can use any Cost Centre that starts with "1", then you can use 10, 100, 110, but you can't use 200. This is done so that users cannot accidently enter values which would be wrong.
You cannot delete but you can deactivate a user in Admin/Usersetup/User information, by putting a tick in "Inactive". Before you do, remember that it is far easer to find historical data about that user and their invoices if you don't deactivate. It might be better to just remove all their access in Admin/Usersetup/Clients connected to user but let the person be active. Whichever you choose to do, make sure there are no rules which will send invoices to that user and check that there are no outstanding invoices sent to them.
If you have access only to Approval, then the invoices you see are the ones you need to approve. However, if you are also a Bookkeeper, you will see all invoices. To filter out the ones you need to approve, in the worklist, choose My invoices for approval in the Approval status filter box. at the top. Then you will see only the invoices that have been sent to you.
Yes you can, if you have access to Global setup and can work in User setup. Go in to Admin/User setup and choose to see inactive users. Find your user and then put a tick th the Reactivate box and save.
The Mobile App can be downloaded from the App Store (iPhone) or equivalent for
After installation, you log in the same way you do on a PC
Check if you have the latest version of the app.
Uninstall and download again from the app store if you are unsure.
Maybe you have an old app?
The new one will in the login window show 2 alternative ways to log in.
One with user ID and password, one with Compello ID.
If you don't see this in the login window, you have an old app. Uninstall and download from the app store again.
You need to enter a VAT code which includes a % in the description (e.g Standard incoming VAT 25%). Then you enter the gross amount into the Amount field (e.g. £2000). The the VAT Calculation field will be filled with the VAT amount (£400) and the Net Amount field will dispay the amount minus VAT (£1600). The values for VAT Calculation and Net Amount are for convenience in Compello Process and are not transferred to your ERP system, which uses the VAT code you added and makes its own calculation from that.
This is a rare occurence, luckily, but happens when the data is visible to you but has not been saved properly in the database. You can fix it very easily by deleting the value you can see from the field, tabbing out of it, and then going back in to fill it in again.
Tab into the field you want to empty. Press Ctrl+HOME to mark the field in blue and then delete or backspace
If you are having trouble changing the value in a field or, for example moving a supplier from Credit to Debit, make sure you have managed to empty the field properly first.
1) Empty the field (Backspace).
2) Use TAB to leave that field.
3) If you want to put in something new in the same field, go back in and enter the data you want.
This is no problem so long as you are not using CompelloID for Single Sign On. Just create your user as you nrmally would.
If you want a user to have access to only certain things in the Chart of Account or in a table such as Project, you can arrange that in Admin/User setup/User/Clients connected to the user. You can create a confguration where you say exactly which values in a table the uses can see or use - e.g only departments that begin with "1" or only account "6720"
This is something you can set up in AdminClient setup, choose the client you want and then click Client information and open the option Posting. Put a tick in Use supplier name and also in Update transaction text when data is changed.
In Compello Process there are several tables (apart from standard tables such as Chart of Accounts and Supplier) which can be used for whatever reference data you wish, Usually this data will come from your ERP via your integration - although not necessarily. You can decide what each table will be called so you see the right name for the field ( Project or Cost Centre) when you are working with invoices. In addition there are a number of text fields which you can also give a name to. Do this in AdminClientyour client Posting Lines Name. You can enter the name you want for each field and also for other languages. When you have done this, remember to check if the field is visible to users in in AdminTransaction setup.
You can change the information for a user if:
You have access to Admin/User setup.
It is not a Compello ID installation, with Single Sign On.
You are not an Advanced Workflow customer.
Go to Admin/User setup, find the user you want to edit and change what you need.
If you need access to Global Setup in order to be able to create or edit users, or change system settings, then someone in your organization needs to give you that access. We in Compello cannot do this for you unless authorized by a suitable person in your organization.
Open Admin/User setup and click the + symbol.
Enter the user's email address. For an external user, choose also Enable Multi-factor Authentication.
Click Send invitation.
In Process, find your new user under Invited but inactive users and add the right access for that user.
Users activate their access when they accept the invitation.
NB. External users need to have downloaded Microsoft Authenticator or equivalent in order to activate their access. They need to register their details, including a password. For a more detailed description contact
If from the Worklist you can't see new approver, or if the invoice has been exported yet, remember that you can update the list using the refresh button on the left-hand side in the blue strip.
If you see a little AA in the icon that shows distribution status, it is because someone has chosen to use the Approve automatically function on the invoice when they distributed it. It means that the distribution and approval for that row will then count for all new rows created after that, and in that case you don't have to send the invoice out again if someone creates a new row. The point of this is to avoid sending the invoice out for approval again if someone takes an approved invoice and divides it into more posting lines. You cannot reverse this choice but you can add approvers to the automatically approved rows all the same.
A distirbution rule is built on the identity of the approver before. So a rule can be something like "IF the previous approver is Oliver and he is the first approver, THEN the invoice has to be sent on to Helena". Often an amount is added as well. These rules wil not work if:
1) The default setting for the clients is that invoices are sent to approvers all at the same time (not in order). Check in Admin/Client setup/client/Client information/Workflow.
2) The invoice itself has been distributed without the tick for "In order".
3) Someone has chosen Approve automatically before choosing the authorisers. In that case a distribution rule based on Oliver will not be activated.
4) The previous approver is not in the right position. If the rule says that when Oliver is the previous approver and the first approver then... it won't work if there is another approver before Oliver.
External users at companies where Compello ID is in use need to use a tool for two factor authentication such as Microsoft Authenticator when logging in. Some experience problemswith Microsoft Authenticator, and these are often to do with settings on your phone See this artical from Microsoft. The most likely cuplrits are probably Battery optimzation being set to On and time settings being set to manual.