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Invoice firewall

Receive 100% correct invoices

With Invoice Firewall, you get correct references on 100% of your invoices by communicating with suppliers if the data is not applied.

Benefits of invoice firewall

  • Auto-correction

    InvoiceFirewall checks if the supplier has placed critical information for further flow (reference person, PO number, etc.) in the wrong place in the invoice including attachments and encrypted PDF. If so, the data is moved to the field defined by the customer. On average, 30% of invoices are automatically corrected.
  • Manual correction from supplier

    Automatic sending of emails to the supplier if critical information is missing on the invoice for further flow (Reference person, PO number, etc.). The supplier receives an email with a link to add the correct information themselves. The average for customers is that 15% of all invoices are corrected by the supplier.
  • Check of due date

    Automatic release of invoices before the due date is reached.
  • Optimization

    Rules can be turned on/off for individual suppliers (important for subscription suppliers).
  • Automatic onboarding of suppliers

    Invoice firewall ensures that when a new supplier is created in the customer's systems, it will automatically send an email to the supplier informing them that the customer requires EHF. In this email, other information that is important for suppliers can also be added.
  • Vendor support

    Support and dedicated customer success manager.

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