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Easy handling of multiple clients

With Compello's multi-client functionality, managing multiple clients becomes a breeze. For companies managing many clients at the same time, this feature eliminates the need for separate logins for each client.

Benefits of multi-client

  • Shared login

    With just a few clicks, you get a comprehensive overview and can manage all your clients efficiently.
  • Save time

    This is not only a time saver, but also a strategy to reduce the risk of errors and inefficiencies.
  • Increased control

    With Compello's multi-client solution, it's easier than ever to have full control over the different clients and companies you manage.
  • Reports

    You can easily pull reports across companies.
  • Multi-edit

    Several vouchers that need to be processed in the same way? With multiedit, you can mark multiple vouchers and handle them independently of client, with a single keystroke.
multi-client distributor

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